Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Commission Update April 27th

Little Mia, my latidoll yellow tan pirate lumi custom says "Hey there!" :)

I just changed her eyes today to a larger 14mm dark brown...and I love it!
She was wearing 12mm yellow-brown color eyes before here.

It's so amazing how a change of wig or eyes gives these little adorable dolls a sweet new look!

Here is the commission update as of April 27th,

11. Juliana -finished 4 0f 4 & shipped

12. effluo✂-delayed chaos (flickr) : finished 4 of 4, pictures posting

13. Anna (gmail)-finished 1 of 1 & shipped

14. Chiara (gmail)- contacted, no reply

15. MissFlynn (etsy)- completed 3 of 3 and mailing 4-4-11

16. Lorentine (flickr)- Starting

17. Sabrina (gmail)-shipped 4-23-11

18. jester (DOA)- shipping 4-28-11

19. Cyristine (gmail)

20. gothpanda (flickr)

21. Ridella (gmail/flickr)

22. baby creamcheese Whitney (gmail/flickr)

23.Jordan (gmail)

24. C. Shinn (gmail)

25. Lucy-Loves (flickr)

26. Rebecca (gmail)

27. Elfinhugs (flickr/gmail)

28. Carla Benham (flickr)

29. Sessizeller (flickr/gmail)

30. Aya22-Lati Love (flickr)

31. Simmi(flickr)

32. summomo (flickr)

33. -Anetta- (flickr/gmail)

34. Heather (flickr/gmail)

35. Lara (gmail)

36. Al (gmail)

*completed * pending in progress * awaiting