Monday, April 4, 2011

Juno is Back & Commission Update

After a long time hibernating in the the Lati Box , I decided to take Juno (my winter tan momo) out. I sometimes have an on and off favorites between my dolls. I tend to rotate favorites and they "take turns" getting attention :)

Does this happen with your dolls too?

Updated Commission List as of April 4th

11. Juliana -finished 4 0f 4 & shipped
effluo✂-delayed chaos (flickr) : finished 4 of 4, pictures posting
13. Anna (gmail)-finished 1 of 1 & shipped
14. Chiara (gmail)- contacted, no reply
15. MissFlynn (etsy)- completed 3 of 3 and mailing 4-4-11
16. Lorentine (flickr)- contacting
Sabrina (gmail)-working on 3 of 5
18. jester (DOA)
19. Cyristine (gmail)
20. gothpanda (flickr)
21. Ridella (gmail/flickr)
22. baby creamcheese Whitney (gmail/flickr)
23.Jordan (gmail)
24. C. Shinn (gmail)
25. Lucy-Loves (flickr)
26. Rebecca (gmail)
27. Elfinhugs (flickr/gmail)

* pending in progress
* awaiting